My weight loss journey from a food obsessed trainer

I have been trying to lose the same 20 pounds for about a year. I have lost this type of weight several times in the past and I feel on the precipice of another successful run. Before I do this, I want to record all of my experiences on my road to success. Hopefully this will benefit my future self as well as any potential reader.

Many times I have had the idea of starting a weight loss journey but something holds me back. Strategies are put in place, best intentions are made, but I ultimately self-sabotage. Here is my goal for these series of posts: I am going to try and identify past and present events that turned the tables on my continual failure. Is there a secret formula for weight loss that can be used, if needed in the future?

Not to exclude anyone, but I hope this helps the person that really can’t get any traction on their goals. They keep self sabotaging over and over, and can’t seem to break the cycle. That was me this past year, but now I sense the winds are changing.

Today is day one, and I weigh 209 pounds. The plan is to update this blog on my progress at least once a week. If I have any breakthroughs then it may be more frequent. My next post will hopefully report a lower number as well as insight as to what started this successful journey.

Surviving the holidays

Tis the season when america puts on eight pounds. I must admit it's a difficult time for me as well. In addition to the normal temptations of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you add on various holiday snacks and desserts. Not to mention liquid cheer like eggnog, champagne, wine, beer, Irish cream, and whatever else your prefer. Isn't it a Christmas miracle that we only put on eight pounds and not 25?! Well, yes and no.

This is the time of year when you need to bring your A-game. If you stay focused and make smart decisions, you can maintain and even LOSE during the holidays. How is that possible? Burn every calorie you can and choose your battles.

An easy way to burn calories is working out at the gym, or going on walks and hikes. Another way is to stop circling the mall for the closest parking spot and park further away from the door. I challenge you to try to do something active every day. If it doesn't elevate your heart rate above 120 bpm, then it's not rigorous enough. Be creative! Put on your winter coat and walk the neighborhood and look at Christmas lights. Go ice skating at Downtown on Ice. Go up to skyline and cut down your own fresh Christmas tree. Use your fitness imagination! 

The biggest enemy during the holidays is food. You might not win every battle, but you can win the war. If you know that grandma is making her famous pecan pie, plan for it. Don't have two servings of stuffing and candy yams. Save those calories!! If you only moderately enjoy stuffing, then you won't miss it. Save yourself for what you truly love, pecan pie.

If you can stay active and only eat the foods you really love, then you have a good chance at making this season successful and jolly.